Infusion Therapy

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Infusion Therapy

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Our infusion is a controlled intravenous drip therapy performed by highly trained I.V. certified medical professionals that delivers vital minerals, vitamins, and amino acids directly to bloodstream for rapid absorption, and potent nutrients to replenish, nourish, and heal your body on a cellular level.

Amino Acid Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

Amino acids and proteins are the building blocks of life. When proteins are digested or broken down, amino acids are left. The human body uses amino acids to make proteins to help the body - Break down food.

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Anti-Aging Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

Reduce the appearance of fine lines & dark spots with our anti-aging treatment with essential fluids, age-defying antioxidants & other nutrients. It provides long-lasting protection from UV damage, wrinkles, toxins, and dryness.

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Beauty Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

The appeal of using our beauty Drip is, that besides delivering skin-boosting nutrients in larger amounts and more quickly than any other method, the results are pretty immediate. People do it regularly - some do it every week.2. Includes a blend of IV fluids, vitamins and antioxidants that detoxifies your body and improves complexion to help you look and feel your best

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Best of All Drip $200 (30 Minutes) $300 (45 Minutes) $450 (90 Minutes)

Our most comprehensive IV treatment, combining fluids, vitamins, amino acids, and a glutathione push for whole-body wellness

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Biotin (Vitamin H) Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

Our body needs biotin to help convert certain nutrients into energy. It also plays an important role in the health of your hair, skin, and nails.

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Cleansing & Detox Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

Reverse aging and boost longevity with our loaded with antioxidants and essential nutrients to cleanse cells, fight oxidation, lower inflammation, and boost overall wellness

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Energy Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

Our Energy Drip includes a specially formulated combination of electrolytes, vitamins, and antioxidants to boost your energy levels for high performance and improve your overall health and wellness

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Flu Relief Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

Our IV infusion for flu is composed of vitamin C, Vitamin D, magnesium, IV fluid, and Vitamin B12. These vitamins and minerals and other nutrients combine to effectively reduce symptoms related to cold, replenish fluids, balance electrolytes, and provide essential nutrients so your body can heal itself

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Food Poisoning Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Folic Acid Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Ultra-Cocktail Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Glutathione Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Hangover Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

Includes a blend of IV fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, and medications to detoxify your body and cure your hangover symptoms

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Headaches Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (60 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Her Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Hydration Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

Includes a blend of IV fluids and electrolytes formulated for quick hydration leaving you feeling revitalized and refreshed

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Immunity Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

Our drip cleans your body and supercharge your immune system to fight off illnesses. Includes a blend of fluids, vitamins, and antioxidants

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Infections Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Jet Lag Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Ketamine Depression Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Magnesium Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Migraine Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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MSM Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Myers Cocktail Drip $200 (30 Minutes) $300 (45 Minutes) $450 (90 Minutes)

This most popular infusion includes a combination of IV fluids, vitamins, electrolytes, and antioxidants that are effective at treating a wide range of conditions

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NAD + Boost Drip $300 (30 Minutes) $450 (45 Minutes) $650 (90 Minutes)

NAD+ is a vital coenzyme that helps our bodies to generate energy and perform many other cellular processes. It keeps us breathing air into our lungs and pumping blood into our hearts.

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Performance Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Phosphatidylcholine Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Recovery Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

Recover from workouts and illness. Boost immune function, reduce inflammation, and support faster muscle healing

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Relaxation Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Skin Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Sleep Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Stomach Flu Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

Help quickly recover from the symptoms of stomach flu. Blend of fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, and medications

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Stress Relief Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Super Immune Boost Drip $200 (30 Minutes) $300 (45 Minutes) $450 (90 Minutes)

IV fluids with high-dose vitamin C, zinc, and antioxidants to supercharge your immune system in fighting cold, flu, and viral infections.

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Vitamin A Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Vitamin B12 Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Vitamin B Complex Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Vitamin C Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Vitamin Cocktail Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Vitamin D Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

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Weight Loss Drip $150 (30 Minutes) $250 (45 Minutes) $350 (90 Minutes)

Weight loss drips help celebrities regulate their vitamin levels, fight fatigue, and boost their metabolism so they have the energy needed to work out and lose weight for roles or events. ... That is why many celebrities receive vitamin drips to boost their immunity and help them stay healthy. Includes a blend of fluids, vitamins and amino acids designed to help boost your metabolism, to help you detoxify your body and burn fat.

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Mini Drip gets body and mind in the right condition and performance

Regular Drip gets body and mind in the top condition and performance

Super Drip gets body and mind in the optimum condition and performance

*Infusion time can be slightly different for each individual


Flu Vaccine Shot $95 $61.75 15 Minutes

Free with Drip Purchase

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B Complex $55 $35.75 15 Minutes

Thiamine, Niacin, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, & Dexpanthenol plus a dose of B-12

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Biotin (Vitamin H) $55 $35.75 15 Minutes

Improves your body’s keratin infrastructure in Hair, Skin and Nails

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Calcium Gluconate $55 $35.75 15 Minutes

Used to treat conditions caused by low calcium levels such as bone loss, weak bones, decreased activity of the parathyroid gland, a certain muscle disease, and hypocalcemia due to rapid growth or pregnancy

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Diphenhydramine $55 $35.75 15 Minutes

For Sleeping, Allergies, Itching, and More. It’s used to relieve red, irritated, itchy, watery eyes; sneezing; and runny nose caused by hay fever, allergies, or the common cold. It’s also used to relieve cough caused by minor throat or airway irritation

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Glutathione $55 $35.75 15 minutes

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Magnesium $55 $35.75 15 Minutes

Magnesium is a mineral that is important for normal bone structure in the body. Dietary intake of magnesium may be low, particularly among women, and not uncommon among African Americans and the elderly. Low magnesium levels in the body have been linked to diseases such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, hereditary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke

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MIC $55 $35.75 15 minutes

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Vitamin B12 $55 $35.75 15 Minutes

For Energy & Immunity. It is a water-soluble vitamin with a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the formation of blood

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Vitamin C $55 $35.75 15 Minutes

For Immunity & Antioxidant. Its necessary for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues. It is involved in many body functions, including formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the proper functioning of the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth

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Taurine $55 $35.75 15 Minutes

Taurine is an herbal supplement that can be used in the treatment for congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cystic fibrosis, and to prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries throughout the body

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Toradol $55 $35.75 15 Minutes

Toradol is very effective for treating moderate to severe pain. It starts working quickly (about 15 minutes after administration) and can last up to 6 hours. It is often prescribed for post-surgery pain and acute migraines, but also for chronic migraines when other treatments have not worked

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Zofran $55 $35.75 15 Minutes

Zofran is used to prevent nausea and vomiting that may be caused by surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation treatment

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